ML Square Dance

A love-square centric remix event


  • June 23 - July 21: Application Period

  • August 5: Discord Invites and Matches Emailed Out

  • August 20: First Check-In

  • Dance: Submit Fic Choice and Remix Concept

  • Buffet: Claims Open

  • September 15: Second Check-In

  • October 15 - December 1: Posting Period

Rules and Application Guidelines

  • Welcome to the Miraculous Ladybug Lovesquare Remix Challenge! This event is designed so participants can reimagine a previously written fanwork utilizing a different side of the Lovesquare. This event will be split into two subevents: The Dance and The Buffet. The Dance will resemble a more traditional Remix Challenge with authors being randomly matched to remix another’s work, while The Buffet will feature additional fics that can be remixed by anyone. You may participate in both events if you desire.

  • Requirements for all participants:

  • Must be age 13 or older

  • Must have a Discord account

The Dance: Matched Participants

  • In order to participate in the Dance as a writer, you must have:

  • At least three published works under 10k that center around the Lovesquare

  • At least two of those works must be completed

  • At least one of those works must be SFW

  • Participants will be randomly assigned another participant's work to remix, and one of their own works will be remixed by someone else assigned to them. Matching will be completely random aside from being able to opt in or out of being matched with someone who has NSFW fics. You will have the option to choose from the 3 fics your Dance Partner offered and will be expected to complete the fic by the posting period.

  • If you cannot complete your assigned remix for any reason, please reach out to a moderator as soon as possible so we can find a pinch hitter.

  • If you complete yours early and want to do more, you are welcome to pick up as many additional fics as you like from the Buffet, but we ask that you finish your Dance first.

The Buffet: Free for All Remixing

  • In addition to the Dance, we are offering a Buffet of fics to remix for writers who do not meet the qualifications to be matched or who prefer not to be matched. The Buffet Line will be made up of fics offered by both Dance and Buffet writers. If your fic is on the Buffet, there is no guarantee any of your work will be remixed, but you are also not obligated to remix a fic. All participants accepted to the Buffet may claim any fic to remix, but only one person may claim each fic. Once you complete your remix, you are welcome to come back for seconds. Buffet participants may also volunteer as pinch hitters for the Dance.

  • In order to participate in the Buffet as a writer, you must have at least one posted, complete fic. This fic does not have to be Lovesquare or even Miraculous, we just want to see that you can complete a fic. You do not have to put any fics up on the Buffet to participate.

  • To be eligible for the Buffet Line, your fic must be publicly posted and centered on Lovesquare. You will have the option to allow NSFW remixes if you desire; fics that are already NSFW will be offered on a separate Spicy Buffet line.

  • For the Buffet only, comics will be allowed in addition to fanfiction. The comic must have enough of a plot that it can be remixed into a fic and vice versa; single frame art pieces and short humorous pieces do not qualify.


  • Betas will be screened as part of our application process. You will be given a short passage to edit to demonstrate proficiency in spotting basic SPAG errors. If accepted as a beta, you will have the opportunity to respond to writer requests. Once you have agreed to beta for a writer, you must follow through or you will not be eligible to participate as a beta or writer in the future.

Posting Guidelines

  1. Fics that are remixed must be a minimum of 1,500 words.

  2. Fics must be centered on the Lovesquare and must be centered on a different side of the Square than the original fic.

  3. Non-Lovesquare pairings that involve Adrien or Marinette may be mentioned but their presence should be minimal and cannot be endgame; side pairings are allowed but should not be the focus of the fic.

  4. When posting your final piece, you will need to select ‘This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work

  5. If you ignore any of the rules regarding what you cannot remix or change in a work, we will not add your piece to the AO3 collection and we will not promote it as part of the Remix Event.

  6. Your piece must be posted during the posting period to be eligible for future iterations of the event. If you post after the period ends, we may or may not promote your work.

  7. You may discuss your fic and match during the writing process, but please be kind and mindful of how you discuss other author’s works.

  8. This is not a gift exchange and the way someone chooses to remix your fic may not align with your preferences. Likewise, you may remix a fic in a way that does not align with the original author's preferences and they are not required to interact with your remix.

  9. If someone writes things that do not align with your preferences, you must still be respectful to both the person who remixes your work and the person whose work you remix.

  10. You do not have to approve a link to the remixed work on your own work.


  • What is the theme of the event?

  • The theme is to remix each other’s fics by switching the sides of the Lovesquare you’re writing about! For more information on remixing, check out Fanlore’s page:

  • When and where can I apply?

  • You can apply here. Applications are open from 6/23-7/21.

  • What are the requirements to participate?

  • See our Rules and Application Guidelines.

  • Can I participate as a writer and a beta?

  • Yes, however, you must fill out both applications.

  • Is there a minimum age?

  • Yes, we require all participants to be 13 or older as per Tumblr and Discord TOS.

  • Are we allowed to remix anything besides the side of the Lovesquare?

  • Yes! You must remix the side of the Lovesquare, but if you’d like to combine that with other types of remixes, such a POV flip, canon ↔ AU, genre change, etc., that is allowed!

  • Does it need to have a happy ending?

  • It does not need to have a happy ending. In fact, you should be prepared for the possibility that the ending of your own fic might be changed, should you decide to put it up for remixing. However, in the spirit of the event, we do ask that the ending remains Lovesquare. Even if they don’t get their happily ever after with each other, the fic should not end with a different pairing.

  • What about post-reveal Lovesquare?

  • For the purposes of the event, post-reveal counts as its own side if the fic is written entirely post-reveal. To remix it, you can pick any pre-reveal side. Likewise, a pre-reveal fic may be remixed as post-reveal if the entirety of the fic is rewritten as post-reveal (i.e., you cannot simply move the timeline of the reveal around).

  • What about salt?

  • While we are not a salt-friendly event, what counts as salt can be difficult to define. We have a zero-tolerance policy for salt on Adrien, Marinette, or any sides of the Lovesquare. Other than that, we ask that you not add salt to any remix. All remixes should have the same or lower sodium levels than the original.

  • For example, if you are remixing a work where Alya is a terrible friend to Marinette, you may write her as a terrible friend OR you may write her closer to her canon characterization. However, if you are remixing a work where Alya is a supportive friend, you must either keep that characterization or find a way to write the remix without Alya there.

  • What about NSFW?

  • NSFW fics are allowed for this event, however, since it is not an adults-only event, we will have some additional restrictions around NSFW fics. Adults participating in the Dance will be able to opt in to NSFW, which means you may put up a NSFW fic and/or you are okay with someone remixing your fics to a higher rating. Adults participating in the Buffet may request access to the Spicy Buffet and have the option to mark their fics as available for a Spicy Remix.

  • Do I have to get my fic betaed?

  • Using a beta is strongly recommended but not required. You may use your own beta or use a beta from the event.

  • What is your spoiler policy?

  • For all fics, including both fics submitted to the event and those posted as part of the event, we required that any fic containing content/references to season 5, season 6, and the upcoming movie be tagged by season/movie accordingly. Additionally, we require that any content/references to season 5 episodes 23-26 be tagged by specific episode. Leaked content of any kind is not permitted.

  • What if I don’t like the fics of the person I matched with?

  • Then remix them into something you do like! This is always a risk with a randomly matched event and we ask that everyone who participates in the Dance make sure they are okay with this possibility, as well as the possibility that you may not enjoy the remix of your own work. That said, if you receive your match and you realize there is no way you can remix these works, please reach out to a Mod as soon as possible.

  • What if I need to drop out of the event?

  • If you are participating in The Dance, please contact a moderator immediately so we can arrange for a pinch hitter. Failure to notify a moderator will result in disqualification for future events. If you are participating in the Buffet, we ask that you remove your claim from any fic you will not be able to complete so that it can be claimed by another participant. If you are a beta, please notify your writer so that they can find another beta.


  • Noodles — Head Mod

  • Hi, I’m noodles! I’ve been in ML fandom for a few years now and my favorite side of the square is Ladynoir. I have moderated for a several events, including Coup de Foudre: An Adrinette Zine, Ladynoir July, and Miraculous Core Four Week. I’m really excited to be running this event and I can’t wait to see what everyone remixes!

  • Bren — Organization Mod

  • Hello! I'm bren and I'm excited to be an organization/matching mod for this event! I joined the ML fandom in 2015 and have since helped run the ML Secret Santa for several years as well as modded multiple zines such as the Ladynoir zine, the Ladrien zine, and the Adrien zine. I look forward to seeing everyone's creations!

  • Lettuce — Graphics Mod

  • Hey leafas here better known as Lettuce 🥬 I’m an artist who became a fan of Miraculous in 2015 but didn’t get too actively involved in the fandom until last year. This is my first time helping run an event like this and I’m excited to contribute as a graphics mod!

  • Asukiess — Discord Mod

  • Hi, I’m asukiess (aka Autumn)! I’ll be helping moderate the discord as well as a point of contact for participants. I enjoy being silly and having fun with people, and I’m excited to be apart of such a fun event. I’m excited to see how creative people can get!

  • Mia — Social Media Mod

  • Hey, I'm Mia! I'm a writer, a Marichat/Ladrien solidarity advocate, and the social media mod for this event. I have experience with managing ship months, as well as running the ML Big Bang since 2021. I'm very pumped for this LS-centric event and can't wait to see everyone's creations!